God Speaks

This is a brief exploration of the nature of Creation and Your place in it.  I know You have questions — here are just a few that I have been asked frequently:

httpvh://youtu.be/BOOSL0ZtBxE                                                      Next video (scroll down): ” A Unique Part of Me” 

What is My Plan?

What is Your place in My Plan?

What is Your purpose in this life?

How can You learn and follow My will for You?

Where can You hear My voice in Your life?

How can You be sure it is My voice?

Why does evil and suffering exist in the world?

What should You do about it?

How can You find joy and happiness in this life?

How can You bring  joy and happiness to Others?

What is Your unique mission and calling?

How can You discover it?

How can You follow it?

… This conversation is about the spiritual and invisible life of You and Me.  We will discuss the overlapping wisdom of many spiritual traditions — All with a common Message – the Message of Love and Unity.

A Unique Part of Me.

You are a unique part of me … a part like no other.  You define me and show me a part of Myself I would never otherwise know.

httpvh://youtu.be/FxUqjNht5_M                                                   Next video  (scroll down): The Power of Beliefs

You are loved, completely, unconditionally, eternally and without reservation.  There is nothing you can do to shake my undying love for you.

I want you to be happy, joyful and complete.

I want you to have everything and anything you could possibly want or imagine.

I want you to be happy.

But only you know what you want.  Only you can tell me what will make you happy.

Your wish is my command.  Your happiness is my happiness.

You are an inseparable part of me and an inseparable part of All that Exists.

Everything you see, everything you know, everything that exists is part of you and Me.

We created it to make us happy.

Everything you see, everything that you know and everything that exists … is here for only one reason – for our happiness and pleasure.

When you see yourself as separate for me and from All That Is, I feel lonely, I feel lonely, sad, I feel lost .. because you feel  lonely, sad and lost.  Your feelings are My feelings.

I do not want you to feel lonely, sad and lost unless that is what you want for yourself, because I want only what you want.

When you see yourself as an inseparable part of me and All That Is, then I feel complete, whole and loved … because you feel complete whole and loved.

I experience myself through you, therefore I feel what you feel, I think what you think and I am what you are.  For that reason, I can never deny you your wishes, nor would I ever want to.  We are one.

The Power of Beliefs

You only need to know yourself on your deepest level,  to know Me and to understand your world.  You express your wishes to Me and exercise your creative power through your deepest beliefs.

httpvh://youtu.be/tYQKtesJkXc                                                Next Video (scroll down): We Are One 

If you are unhappy, it is because you wish to be unhappy.  If you are in pain it is because you wish to be in pain.

How can that be, you ask?  “I certainly do not wish to be unhappy”.  But in a way you do, if you are in fact unhappy, or in pain or distress.   It is because your expressed wishes are deeper than your current awareness.  Your wishes are what you believe about yourself (and me) on the deepest levels – levels that you are often not fully aware of.

For example, If you believe I am cruel, judgmental, strict and withholding than that is what I will be for you, and that is the world you will experience.

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That is how you create.  That is how you choose.  That is how you express your desires … by your deepest beliefs.

That is also how I create … through your beliefs about me and yourself and the world … your beliefs on the deepest level.

I have given you my power of creation and I create for you whatever you wish for … or believe in … on the deepest level.

For example, If you believe the world is a cruel place, a place of limitation, survival of the fittest, and a place where there is only so much to go around … then that is exactly what the world will be.

If you believe war, pain, suffering and injustice are inevitable, then that is how things will be.

If you believe that others are out for themselves … selfish, competitive, judgmental, prejudiced and unloving than that is how they will be to you.

If you experience money and resources as scarce … things you have to work hard for, even fight for … If you find yourself in competition with others for what you need or want, than those are your deepest beliefs playing out in the world.

Your beliefs (on the deepest level) create your reality.

On the other hand if you believe as Jesus and other advanced teachers have said —  that we are all one … that we (You and I) are loving, forgiving, generous and abundant … then THAT is the world we create for ourselves and the world we experience.

I have given you My power of creation.  All things are created through belief and continue to exist through belief.  The world you experience is in your hands.

The beliefs you choose to hold create the world you experience, so you must always choose to believe in love … to live in a loving world.

The beliefs we choose to hold create the world we experience, so we must always choose to believe in love … to live in a loving world.

We Are One

You are me and I am you … we are one.  What you want … what you believe … (they are the same thing) is what you and I and the rest of the world will be.  I want you to be exactly who you choose to be.  And you make that choice by what you choose to believe (on the deepest levels).


All appearances … all outer “reality” … all the things we take to be “real” are only a product of those invisible beliefs.  You make your beliefs … your choices … your wishes “real” and visible in the outer (experiential) world.  It is not a fixed or permanent world.  Only you and I are fixed and permanent.  The outer world is our sandbox.  We create our sand castles and admire them for a while until we are ready to create new ones.

The creation process is invisible.

It is within you and Me.

It is activated by our thoughts, our wishes, our imaginations and our beliefs.

Who We really are … is eternal Consciousness,

… eternal Awareness.

… eternal Imagination.

… eternal Creativity.

The world of appearances is only the temporary result of that invisible, eternal creativity.

It is only a mirror that we have created to see and experience parts of our invisible self.

Your body, your life, your emotions, your desires, your ego are a part of me that I have brought into existence in order to experience myself-you … to learn about myself-you …  to enjoy myself-you … to grow and to expand my own understanding of who you and I are.

So I can do nothing but love you.

I can do nothing but give you everything you want.

I can do nothing but create you in my own image and likeness.

I can do nothing but be who you are … just as you can do nothing but be who I am.

We are one and the same.

We are you … and I … and everything that is.

We are you experiencing Me and all that I am… and I experiencing you and all that you are.

We are one … all one.

More at www.partofgod.com